Thursday, September 5, 2013

ADHD vs. CAPD: Know The Difference

At Suffolk Center for Speech, we believe it's so important to know the difference between ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder). The two share similar symptoms, and so CAPD is many times misdiagnosed as ADHD. ADHD is a well recognized disorder among psychologists and physicians and the quick fix is medication regiments such Ritalin or Adderal. Parents who suspect their children may have ADHD bring them to their regular doctors who most likely are more aware of ADHD and its symptoms rather than CAPD. Therefore, many children are misdiagnosed with ADHD, and their CAPD goes untreated. There have been implications that stimulant-like medicines may help children with CAPD, but they are not the treatment a child with CAPD fully needs to overcome or live with this disorder. The information in this post should help parents decide whether or not to bring their child for an evaluation at their regular pediatrician office and/or a Speech Pathologist office.

Central Auditory Processing Disorder involves a child with normal hearing (a child that does not require a hearing aid) who finds difficulty in processing or understanding what he/she hears. Our ears take in the information, the information travels to two seperate sections of the brain: one to simply be absorbed (heard) and one to be processed (understood). Treating this problem at an early age is best, as it becomes more and more difficult as a child grows and his/her brain continues to develop.

Symptoms of CAPD may include:
  • Academic and/or behavior problems
  • Frequent distraction from tasks, especially in a noisy environment
  • A need for increased time and/or multiple cueing to answer questions
  • Difficulty recognizing and/or discriminating between acoustically similar sounds
You can see how a child with CAPD can easily be misdiagnosed with ADHD...

Symptoms of ADHD may include:
  • Frequent and easy distraction
  • Impulsivity (acting without planning for consequence)
  • Inability to focus
  • Difficulty following directions, poor organizational skills, and tendency to forget things
  • Stubborness, temper, defiance, or a diagnosis of a specific language disorder*
What if your child is misdiagnosed? It really can depend on who evaluates a child with these similar symptoms first. ALWAYS get a second opionion. A child with CAPD who is misdiagnosed with ADHD can experience major trouble in his/her academic life, social life, and even career life in the future. Therapy for CAPD should start early in life, but the child must be motivated in therapy. Here at Suffolk Center for Speech, motivation is our middle name. We've got a whole room filled with gizmos and gadgets, dolls and figurines that children can win and take home after successful sessions. Our therapist are highly qualified and experienced, our establishment is a ball of fun (with a serious cause) and children enjoy coming here. It's not a trip to the dentist, or a checkup at the doctor. We make Speech Therapy a fun, engaging happening. We're a party with a purpose.

So, if you believe your child is displaying symptoms of either of these disorders, we implore you to explore both evaluations: one from a Psychologist/Physician and one from an Audiologist/Speech Pathologist. It's so important that children with these disorders tackle them early in life, before they become harder to treat, and cause problems in teenage and adult life.

Written by: Tim Strampfer

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